Page of Ideas

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Location: Tampines, Singapore, Singapore

I am currently working as a 3D Artist. Besides being technically inclined, I also trained myself to be artistically inclined in modeling and digital sculpting too, having passion for what I do and willing to learn.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bing Si's Idea

Post in english, so Shahidah will not have trouble reading them. I shall translate for now...

"Snake, ant, spider and centipede were playing mahjong. After 8 rounds, they realised that they have no more cigarettes for smoking. Everybody were deciding who to buy them. Snake spoke, "I don't have legs, I cannot travel, let ant go." Ant said, "Spider got 8 legs, more than mine, let spider go." Spider said, "No matter how many legs I have, I cannot be compared to centipede, let centipede go!" Centipede had no choice, thought, "Blame on me to have the most amount of legs!" So centipede went out to buy cigarettes... However, after one hour, centipede still have not come back, even after two hours. Everybody decided to let spider to go out take a look, but to see centipede sitting outside. This made spider to be very angry, asked him, "Why you still havnt not go yet? Everybody's waiting." Centipede started to become anxious, said, "Nonsense! I have to wear my shoes!"

I will try to post mine soon... nice try Bing Si! I have sent invitations to your emails, so you all can make posts in this blog.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

FYPJ Discussion

Hi guys,

Its time for us to pin down concepts for our coming final year project...

Just talk about your idea here whenever something pops by your head!
